TINTERN ABBEY, “Five years have passed; five summers, with the length Of five long winters! and again I hear These waters, rolling from their mountain springs….”, a poem by William Wordsworth, written in 1798, is considered one of his most famous and celebrated works. TINTERN ABBEY describes the poet’s emotional response to revisiting the ruins of Tintern Abbey.

Q .1 ) The term “Lakers” was used by —–
Lord Byron
Q .2 ) The term “Lake school” first appeared in——
Edinburgh Review
Q .3 ) “Wordsworth’s name should stand beside Shakespeare and Milton”
Q .4 ) Total stanzas and lines in “Tintern Abbey”
Q .5 ) “Sounding cataract” refers to
Strong gush of water
Q .6 ) “Wordsworth personifies nature as the ——of (his) purest thought”
Q .7) Who called Shelley as “sun-treader”
Q .8) Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world” in Shelley’s
The Defense of Poetry.
Q .9) Our most brilliant moments of expression come in—–
Sad songs
Q .10) “Vernal” in “sound of vernal showers” means
Q .11) Poetic device in “hail to thee, blithe spirit”
Q .12) Poetic device in “hail to thee, blithe spirit”
Q .12) What “melts around” the Skylark
The pale purple eve.