NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF: Paper II – English | Second Edition| By Pearson
The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) for the post of Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universities and colleges. The exam is divided into two papers, Paper I and Paper II. The syllabus for Paper II includes topics such as literary criticism and theory, literary forms and movements, major authors and works, literary terms and concepts, language and linguistics, cultural studies, and interdisciplinary approaches to literature. Candidates are expected to thoroughly understand these topics and their applications in the analysis and interpretation of literary texts.
This Competitive Exam Preparation Book is a comprehensive guide to preparing for the exam. It covers all the major topics with a chapter-wise summary and important points. The book includes previous years’ question papers and model test papers for practice. The book is written in simple language, making it easy for candidates to grasp the concepts.

NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF: Teaching and Research Aptitude, Previous Years’ 2021 | Second Edition | By Pearson
“NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF: Teaching and Research Aptitude, Previous Years’ 2021 | Second Edition | By Pearson” is a book specifically tailored for candidates preparing for the NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF examination in the area of Teaching and Research Aptitude. This Competitive Exam Book aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the relevant topics and help candidates enhance their knowledge and skills to excel in the exam.
One of the key features of this Competitive Exam Preparation Book is the inclusion of previous years’ question papers from the 2021 exams. These question papers serve as valuable practice material, allowing candidates to get a firsthand experience of the exam format, question types, and difficulty level. By attempting these papers, candidates can gain insights into the exam pattern and assess their readiness.

HSA English Rank File HST C TET K TET B ED M ED / HSST Rankfile New Syllabus with MCQ Higher Secondary Teacher Model Questions SET NET JRF English High School Teacher PSC Examination Latest Edition
HSA English Rank File With MCQ Questions Including Renaissance and Freedom Movement, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Methodology of Teaching the Subject. HSA HSST SET NET etc Best Competitive Exam Preparation Book for the teaching profession.

HSA Psychology & Pedagogy Rankfile HST HSST CTET KTET LPST LPSA UPST Rank File Based on Syllabus Previous Year Question Papers Model QP + Curent affairs GK Book (Combo pack of 2 Books)
This Competitive Exam Preparation Book includes * Adolescent Psychology * Theories of Learning * Teaching Aptitude * Pedagogy of Science, Social Science & Maths * Previous Year & Model Question Papers * Morethan 500 Questions MCQs
